Waterfowl Harvest Tags
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Waterfowl Harvest Tags are essential tools for responsible waterfowl hunters. These tags serve multiple purposes in ensuring legal and ethical hunting practices. They are required by federal regulations to properly identify and track harvested migratory game birds
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Waterfowl Tags Pricing
50 Tags: $35
100 Tags: $50
250 Tags: $100
500 Tags: $150
1000 Tags: $200
Additional Costs Associated Based on Shipping and Optional Items
$10 Flat Rate Shipping in the United States
$25 Flat Rates Shipping to Canada
$10 Customized Graphic Addition
$5 - $10 Ziptie Additions

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When you purchase waterfowl tags through WaterfowlTags.com as a Waterfowl Hunting Guide or Outfitter, you'll gain an added advantage: being featured on our exclusive Supporting Outfitters Page. This listing boosts your online visibility and enhances the SEO value of your Waterfowl Hunting Outfit or Guide Service, helping you reach more potential clients. By joining our community, you're not just buying tags – you're investing in greater digital exposure and positioning your service at the forefront of the waterfowl hunting community.
Knowing The Laws
Waterfowl Harvest & Transportation Tagging Laws

Field Possession Limits | 50 CFR 20.35
No person shall possess, have in custody, or transport more than the daily bag limit or aggregate daily bag limit, whichever applies, of migratory game birds, tagged or not tagged, at or between the place where taken and either (a) his automobile or principal means of land transportation; or (b) his personal abode or temporary or transient place of lodging; or (c) a migratory bird preservation facility; or (d) a post office; or (e) a common carrier facility.

Tagging Requirement | 50 CFR 20.36
No person shall put or leave any migratory game birds at any place (other than at his personal abode), or in the custody of another person for picking, cleaning, processing, shipping, transportation, or storage (including temporary storage), or for the purpose of having taxidermy services performed, unless such birds have a tag attached, signed by the hunter, stating his address, the total number and species of birds, and the date such birds were killed. Migratory game birds being transported in any vehicle as the personal baggage of the possessor shall not be considered as being in storage or temporary storage.

Custody of Birds of Another | 50 CFR 20.37
No person shall transport migratory game birds belonging to another person unless such birds are tagged as required by 50 CFR 20.36

Gift of Migratory Game Birds | 50 CFR 20.40
No person may receive, possess, or give to another, any freshly killed migratory game birds as a gift, except at the personal abodes of the donor or donee, unless such birds have a tag attached, signed by the hunter who took the birds, stating such hunter's address, the total number and species of birds and the date such birds were taken.

Transportation of Birds of Another | 50 CFR 20.42
No person shall transport migratory game birds belonging to another person unless such birds are tagged as required by 50 CFR 20.36

Records Required | 50 CFR 20.82
(a) No migratory bird preservation facility shall:
(1) Receive or have in custody any migratory game bird unless accurate records are maintained which can identify each bird received by, or in the custody of, the facility by the name of the person from whom the bird was obtained, and show (i) the number of each species; (ii) the location where taken; (iii) the date such birds were received; (iv) the name and address of the person from whom such birds were received; (v) the date such birds were disposed of; and (vi) the name and address of the person to whom such birds were delivered, or
(2) Destroy any records required to be maintained under this section for a period of 1 year following the last entry on the record.
(b) Record keeping as required by this section will not be necessary at hunting clubs which do not fully process migratory birds by removal of both the head and wings.
Supporting Outfitters
Waterfowl Tags Supporting Waterfowl Hunting Outfitters and Guides. Check out our supporting outfitters to find guided duck hunts, guided goose hunts, guided canadian goose hunts, guided speckelbelly goose hunts, guided sandhill crane hunts, guided swan hunts, guided sea duck and diver duck hunts, and guided exotic waterfowl hunts